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ISSN 2587-9707
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Home » Archive of journals » 2018, ¹ 3 (4) » Underground Research Laboratory: Geodynamic and Seismotectonical Aspects of Safety


JOURNAL: 2018, ¹ 3 (4), p. 16-29

AUTHORS: V.N. Morozov, V.N. Tatarinov, V.I. Kaftan, A.I. Manevich


The article considers geodynamic and seismotectonic aspects of geoecological safety of underground isolation of high-level radioactive waste on the section of the Yenisei Nizne-kansky massif. Identification of active tectonic disturbances and investigation of their kinematic features is the most important task of geomechanical research. Analysis of the results of instrumental observations of modern movements of the earth’s crust has shown that the limiting average annual rates of relative flexural deformations do not exceed 5·10–7 per year. However, the presence of compressive and tensile strains in the boundaries of the boundary indicates the need for a more detailed study of the geodynamics and seismotectonics of the Yenisei and adjacent areas in the framework of integrated underground research in the URL.

Condition of geoecology for safe underground isolation of high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) is possible only outside the volumes of dynamic impact zones of active faults, the dimensions of which are interrelated with the length of these faults. The approximate width of the zone of the dynamic effect of the fault can be 2.9 km for an earthquake with an energy M = 4.5.

Instrumental studies of stress-strain state in the workings of the Mining and Chemical Combine suggest that stresses can reach significant values in areas of local stress concentration that can initiate the destruction of brittle rocks in a dynamic form when driving the URL workings.
Identification of active tectonic disturbances ...
high-level radioactive waste, underground research laboratory, geodynamics, modern movements of the earth’s crust, global navigation satellite systems, active faults


Morozov V. N., Tatarinov V. N., Kaftan V. I., Manevich A. I. Underground Research Laboratory: Geodynamic and Seismottectical Aspects of Safety. Radioactive Waste, 2018, no. 3 (4), pp. 16—29. (In Russian).

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