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Home » Archive of journals » 2019, ¹ 1(6) » Underground research laboratory:problems of geodynamic research


JOURNAL: 2019, ¹ 1(6), p. 77-89

AUTHORS: V.N. Tatarinov, V.N. Morozov, V.I. Kaftan, A.I. Manevich, T.A. Tatarinova


Geodynamic aspects of research are considered in connection with the start of construction of an underground research laboratory at the territory of the Yenisei Nizhnekanskiy massif. The goal of observations of modern movements of the Earth’s crust is formulated based on the methods of space geodesy and high-precision leveling for the period 2019—2024. In the area of the Yeniseisky Rige, a geodynamic testing area has been created for observing recent movements of the Earth’s crust, which includes 30 observation points. For the period from 2010 to 2016 were carried out 5 epochs of observation at the geodynamic test area using global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). To make reliable conclusions on the stability or mobility of the territory, the period of such observations must be at least 10 years. Preliminary observation data processing for 2012—2016 showed that it is also necessary to take into account the cyclical effect of movements of the Earth’s crust on the boundary of the West Siberian platform and the Siberian Plate, which consists in the alternation of long periods of weak tectonic movements with short-term periods of activation. The scheme of development of the geodynamic test area in the south direction from the Yeniseisky section is shown. A design of priority research using GNSS-methods and a method of high-precision re-leveling, aimed at predicting the stability of the insulating properties of rocks of the structural-tectonic block containing the underground research laboratory is proposed.

Keywords: high level radioactive waste, underground research laboratory, geodynamics, modern movements of the earth’s crust, global navigation satellite systems, tectonic faults.


Tatarinov V. N., Morozov V. N., Kaftan V. I., Manevith A. I., Tatarinova T. A. Underground Research Laboratory: Problems of Geodynamic Research Radioactive Waste, 2019, no. 1(6), pp. 77—89. (In Russian).

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