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Home » Archive of journals » 2020, ¹ 3 (12) » Radiation Characteristics of Borosilicate Glass Containing High-Level Waste RADIATION CHARACTERISTICS OF BOROSILICATE GLASS CONTAINING HIGH-LEVEL WASTEJOURNAL: 2020, ¹ 3 (12), p. 93-100AUTHORS: A.S. Aloy, A.I. Blokhin, P.A. Blokhin, N.V. Kovalev ANNOTATION: The article presents computational and analytical studies dealing with radiation characteristics of liquid high-level waste vitrified using borosilicate glass (BSS). To confirm the quality of glass on a time scale of up to 104 years and more, computational and experimental studies are performed to identify the dose loads on the BSS from all types of radiation. The paper presents the results of computational studies focused on radionuclide composition and radiation characteristics of a BSS produced during the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel from VVER-1000 reactors based on a method developed by JSC Radium Institute named after V.G. Khlopin. Keywords: radioactive waste, borosilicate glass, spent nuclear fuel, mathematical models, energy release, radiation damage. DOWNLOAD (EN) » DOWNLOAD (RU) » Aloy A. S., Blokhin A. I., Blokhin P. A., Kovalev N. V. Radiation Characteristics of Borosilicate Glass Containing High-Level Waste. Radioactive Waste, 2020, no. 3 (12), pp. 93—100. (In Russian). DOI: 10.25283/2587-9707-2020-3-93-100. | ||||||||||||||||
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