Scientific and technical journal
ISSN 2587-9707
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Home » Archive of journals » 2020, ¹ 4 (13) » Dismantlement of Building Structures in MR Reactor Hall


JOURNAL: 2020, ¹ 4 (13), p. 22-29

AUTHORS: A.G. Volkovich, V.I. Kolyadin, A.V. Lemus, V.I. Pavlenko, V.N. Potapov, S.G. Semenov, A.V. Chesnokov, A.D. Shisha


The article presents the technologies applied during the dismantlement of building structures and auxiliary systems in the central hall of MR research reactor at the site of NRC Kurchatov Institute. Contaminated structures and systems were mainly removed using remote methods and power-supplied equipment. The latter ones were selected based on safety requirements, compliance with environmental standards that accounted for the location of the reactor in a densely populated area of the Moscow city. The project was aimed at providing the compliance of MR reactor hall with the criteria specified in the decommissioning designs and describing its final state. The paper summarizes the key results and recommendations on the radiation safety of RW management, as well as the lessons learned during the performed operations seeking for their further application at other facilities.

Keywords: research reactor, radioactivity, radioactive waste, radioactive contamination, radiometric diagnostic methods, remotely controlled mechanisms.


Volkovich A. G., Kolyadin V. I., Lemus A. V., Pavlenko V. I., Potapov V. N., Semenov S. G., Chesnokov A. V., Shisha A. D. Dismantlement of Building Structures in MR Reactor Hall. Radioactive Waste, 2020, no. 4 (13), pp. 22—29. (In Russian). DOI: 10.25283/2587-9707-2020-4-22-29.

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