Scientific and technical journal
ISSN 2587-9707
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Home » Archive of journals » 2021, ¹ 1 (14) » Mesh generation for radioactive waste management tasks


JOURNAL: 2021, ¹ 1 (14), p. 87-95

AUTHORS: R.A. Butov, N.I. Drobyishevskiy, E.V. Moiseenko, Y.N. Tokarev


The article describes an approach to mesh generation allowing to address radioactive waste management tasks. The approach is based on representing an object as a set of simple geometric shapes (primitives). The characteristics of the mesh (type, size, number of elements) are controlled at a primitive level. The program allows to combine primitives using boolean operations to describe complex objects (for example, intrusions in host rock and their intersections with excavations). To describe nested objects (for example, a radioactive waste container in a borehole or a borehole in a host rock), the program implements a hierarchy of primitives. This approach can be used to generate meshes of objects with regular geometry and/or layered structures. The program is written in Python language. The mesh is created by editing the input files in JSON format.

Keywords: radioactive waste, computer simulation, mesh generation, deep geological repository, host rock.


Butov R. A. , Drobyishevsky N. I. , Moiseenko E. V. , Tokarev Yu. N. Mesh generation for radioactive waste
management tasks Radioactive Waste, 2021, no. 1 (14), pp. 87—95. DOI: 10.25283/2587-9707-2021-1-87-95 (In Russian).

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