Scientific and technical journal
ISSN 2587-9707
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Home » Archive of journals » 2024, ¹ 3 (28) » Fusion Radioactive Waste Management Considerations


JOURNAL: 2024, ¹ 3 (28), p. 19-31

AUTHORS: V.I. Shpinkov, T.A. Aleksandrova, P.A. Kizub


Radioactive waste is generated from the operation of fusion facilities. Although no high-level waste is generated by them, in terms of its amounts and activity, the resulting waste inventory is yet enough to consider it a limiting factor for the public acceptance and sustainable development of fusion industry. The paper discusses fusion radioactive waste considering their generation sources, features and possible waste management options. It shows that some waste types would require advanced waste management approaches. Special consideration is given to the waste of the international fusion reactor ITER. Activation calculation performed to assess the radioactive waste generation for the Russian tokamak TRT unit showed that the first wall and the vacuum vessel materials would be activated to a level sufficient to treat them as radioactive waste. Advance planning of radioactive waste management flowcharts would optimize the costs and dose loads at the operational and decommissioning stages.

Keywords: fusion facility, safety objective, safety function, radiation safety, radioactive waste, residual heat, blanket, hybrid fusion facility, safety regulation.


Shpinkov V. I., Alexandrova T. A., Kizub P. A. Fusion Radioactive Waste Management Considerations. Radioactive Waste, 2024, no. 3 (28), pp. 19—31. DOI: 10.25283/2587-9707-2024-3-19-31. (In Russian).

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